Collaborative Workshop

Exhibition:  Heaven Can Wait

Artist:  Roy Caussy


Roy Caussy’s drawing practice is built on growing the imagination.  Through creating worlds, building ideas and new visual sub-conscious, you can generate a freedom to your way of working that drives creativity.  This project facilitates participants to harness their creative confidence as they work collaboratively in creating a piece of work together.  Participants will use the momentum of working in a team to tackle creating an open-ended project together.  Young artists are often hesitant to create a project without specific criteria to guide them.  They often lack the confidence or time to explore the materials and develop their own ideas.  Collaborative art is a group experience that provides space and time for individual and collective thinking and exploration.  Participants will work off of each other’s ideas while encouraging and supporting one another. 


  • Build creative confidence

  • Experience collaborative art making

  • Work together to create energy, words of encouragement, consideration of equality, thinking out loud, taking leadership roles, listening to others and generating new ideas

  • Work with a variety of materials


Variety of available materials:

  • One large piece of cardboard to use as a base or main support for the project

  • Recycled material: cardboard, egg cartons, toilet paper roll

  • Loose parts: straws, lids, beads, string, lids

  • Stick glue and white glue

  • Tape

  • Scissors

  • Coloured construction paper

  • Paint, paintbrushes, water

  • Markers, other colouring materials

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Step One 

Divide the participants in to small groups.  Each group will collectively determine what they are going to create.  

Step Two

Divide the materials amongst the groups and let them begin exploring and creating.  

Some groups may be able to decide their direction right away, for others, the idea may evolve once they have spent more time exploring the materials.  

Perhaps they are going to build a cardboard city, a giant birthday cake, an abstract paper sculpture or a piece of wearable art!  Together they are working towards a common goal and supporting one another’s ideas.

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Step Three 

Allow plenty of time for this project so that the participants have the freedom and time needed to observe, share, mingle, chat, explore, experiment, hypothesize, take risks and develop their ideas.  

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Jennifer Demke-Lange