Art Education Workshops
TREX Artist Workshops
The Alberta Foundation for the Arts TREX Program offers an amazing opportunity to their venues in which their exhibiting artists can interact directly with the hosting community. Venues can host a visiting artist workshop to engage students/participants in a hands-on experience and interaction directly with the featured artist.
As an exhibiting artist through the TREX Program from 2018 - 2020 I have had the opportunity to lead several workshops in participating schools throughout Southeast Alberta. Workshops include an artist talk, brainstorming sessions with students, step-by-step demonstration and assisting students in creating their own works of art.
My workshops have been based on the exhibition theme and concepts within my travelling exhibition; a 2-dimensional based project and a ceramic based project allowing participants to use clay and a mono-printing technique.
Imaginary Animal Self-Portraits asks participants to examine the narratives portrayed in "The Wild" exhibition illustrations of playing make-believe and the incorporation of characteristics of animals. This workshop invites students to use their imaginations and choose an animal they identify with to create a painted and collaged self-portrait. Through photography, watercolour painting, and drawings, they create a magical interpretation of childhood games.
Throughout this workshop students:
- plan and design a mixed-media self-portrait
- observe and draw in proportion
- develop representational drawing abilities
- utilize a variety of art mediums
This workshop was developed by Elizabeth Burritt and was published within the Education Guide of “The Wild” Exhibition Catalogue.
Illustrated Clay Relief Tiles
This workshop asks students to use their imaginations and choose an animal they identify with to create an illustrated clay relief tile. Through exploration of various techniques; relief and surface decoration techniques in clay and monoprint image transfers, students will create a magical interpretation of an animal and its environment.
Throughout this workshop students:
- develop craftmanship and attention to detail
-develop representational drawing abilities
- plan and design a composition combining 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional techniques
This workshop was developed by Jenn Demke-Lange.
Esplanade Education Program Workshop
In this workshop students were asked to create and develop hand-drawn characters to feature in an animated narrative. They combined a 2-dimensional illustration of a character and backdrop that was then translated through a digital interface to become an animation.